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måndag 11 juni 2012


Sweet Dreams Of A Silent Shout
Preach Of Life

Circle Of Life


Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today...
Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.
Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.

I try and remember a night before this The mirror reflects, but it lies to me I breathe in the breeze open-eyed to feel this And slip into arms dipped in wine
To sleep In a house of gods, in an empty room
There will be no scars and I will be there
I will be there soon I glance at a clock lost in time, it's bleeding
Past echoes of rain I cry out for peace I slip past the door painted red to save me
And offer my own, lose control And release In a house of gods, in an empty room
There will be no scars and I will be there
In a house of gods, in an empty room
There will be no scars and I will be there
They may believe that there can only be one end
But I will not wait until the blood is on my hands
Serenity is just a choice of breath away Condemn each other,
but forever I will stay In a house of gods, in an empty room
There will be no scars and I will be there
 In the house of God, in a lovely room
There will be no scars and I will be there
I will be there soon

By far my favorite song from the album.
God this must, must be for certain if you are here Raise my world an ossuary staring through the gate wide-eyed Did you think I'd salivate and beg Don't sell me tones of liberation standing in a cage May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight Save your tears my child Take it, hold it, keep it, know We choose this suffering
There they stand straining to scrutinize the sage String me up these soap box augers Seeking out the ways divined here from the citadel its claimed Serpents waiting in the shadows keep us from the dream May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight Save your tears my child Take it, hold it, keep it, know We choose this suffering
I pushed the button and I pulled the trigger I killed our brothers and murdered our sisters I am the pattern the plague and the prison And I tore the wound and let it bleed.
May you find that in this sinister lapse we'll heal our sight Save your tears my child Take it, hold it, keep it, know We chose this suffering and we are not alone

Ghost of Mother Lingering death Ghost on Mother's bed Black strands on the pillow Contour of her health Twisted face upon the head
Ghost of perdition Stuck in her chest A warning no one read Tragic friendship Called inside the fog Pouring venom brew deceiving
Devil cracked the earthly shell Foretold she was the one Blew hope into the room and said: "You have to live before you die young"
Holding her down Channeling darkness Hemlock for the Gods Fading resistance Draining the weakness Penetrating inner light
Rode into the dark unaware Winding ever higher
Darkness by her side Spoke and passed her by Dedicated hunter Waits to pull us under Rose up to its call In his arms she'd fall Mother light received And a faithfull servant's free
In time the hissing of her sanity Faded out her voice and soiled her name And like marked pages in a diary Everything seemed clean that is unstained The incoherent talk of ordinary days Why would we really need to live? Decide what is clear and what's within a haze What you should take and what to give
Ghost of perdition A saint's premonition's unclear Keeper of holy hordes Keeper of holy whores
To see a beloved son In despair of what's to come
If one cut the source of the flow And everything would change Would conviction fall In the shadow of the righteous The phantasm of your mind Might be calling you to go Defying the forgotten morals Where the victim is the prey

Album Ideas

Here´s some ideas for the upcoming album

Free illuminati.jpg phone wallpaper by lazybg

torsdag 26 april 2012

Odd Instruments

The Glass Harmonica is my favorite; invented buy Benjamin Franklin to immitate the sound of wet finger's friction against crystal wine-glasses. VERY EXPENSIVE, though; about 75 000 SEK!!!

Here's two sites I recommend:


Hang NotesHang Case

Hang (Hang Drum)
Hang means "hand" in the Bernese language, and is pronounced "hung or hong". The Hang was developed in Switzerland. It was the result of many years of research on the steelpan and the study of the diverse collection of instruments from around the world, such as Gongs, Gamelan, Ghatam, drums, bells, etc. The instrument is played with the hands. Udu-like sounds are produced with the air resonance, the sounds of the clamped shallow shells sound like bells or harmonically tuned steelpans. The inner note on the bottom dome is the bass note, and when played in a dampened way allows change in pitch like a talking drum. Seven to nine notes are tuned harmonically around a central deep note. The hemispheres are hardened by a process known as gas-nitriding. This is a thermal treatment process in which nascient hydrogen atoms diffuse into the steel and form nitride compounds with many of the alloys in the steel. Like a 1950s flying saucer, the Hang's sound is out of this world !
 Listen to a short solo of the Hang being played
Hang Art
Hang Art

Hang Art Hangs have been made using in over 45 different scales. Go here to listen to them and see the scales
The Ding side contains 8 tone fields which together form the "tone circle" (scale or mode). This circle surrounds a central dome, called the Ding, which sounds like a Gong. On the Gu side (underneath), there is a hand size hole called the Gu for sound resonance. The Gu can also be played like an udu, or used to modulate the sound of the DING. The instrument is generally held in the player's lap and played with the hands, although it can also be played with soft mallets. By changing the position of his/her knees, the player can change the deep note and vary the timbre of the instrument while playing. The Caribbean steelpan is probably the most important new acoustical instrument to develop in the 20th century. Since its invention in Trinidad some 50 years ago, improvements in the technology and design have resulted from research in Europe and the United States in addition to its home country of Trinidad and Tobago. It has also inspired the development of new steel instruments, such as the PANG family of instruments and the hand-played HANG.

Upbeat Hang Drum tune with delay effects
Acoustic Hang with Didgeridoo's

Hank Drum - Propane tank drum by Dennis Havlena
Propane tank Tambiro by Dennis Havlena

Dennis Havlena's propane tank Tambiro, the precursor to the Hank Drum.

Visit Dennis Havlena's website at DennisHavlena.com  Hank Drum inventor Dennis Havlena checks the tuning on his propane tank creation.

Dennis invented the Hank Drum because of a love for the sound, music and the idea of the Hang Drum, created by two dedicated artists at the PANArt company in Bern, Switzerland. 

Hank Drum (Propane Tank Drum)

Hank Drum with "Dampening Bands"Dennis Havlena has been creating and inventing musical instruments and hybrid instruments for over 40 years. One of his latest creations is called the Hank Drum. This is the story of how the Hank Drum came to be:

In early 2007, inspired by Felle Vega's innovative helium-tank "Tambiro" on YouTube, Dennis constructed his own version of the Tambiro from a much thicker 20 pound propane tank -- it had six pentatonic-tuned steel tongues cut into the SIDE of the  tank (see photo below). 

It was during that time that he also found out about the Swiss made Hang, which many call a Hang Drum, which got him all fired up and excited.  Since the price of a Hang required getting on a long waiting list, then flying to Bern Switzerland to pick one up, and a price tag of about $1800.00, he set out on trying to make something a bit similar, but also a completely new instrument.

Wanting an instrument whose notes approximated the layout of a Swiss Hang Drum, he arranged the tank's tongues in a similar configuration. A good deal of time was spent ruining many new propane tanks while he experimented with the tanks, cutting experimental tongues into the bottoms -- eventually resulting in a workable instrument.

An avid Hang Drum enthusiast in California suggested he call his creation the Hank Drum (hang + tank) and this name has stuck, and is now part of the history of Hank Drum folklore

A video of Dennis playing the Original Hank Drum.

Note that tuning the Hank Drum properly is key! It pains Dennis (and anyone with a good set of ears) to hear so many badly tuned Hank Drums on YouTube that people have carelessly made. Dennis is proud of his invention, so if you you do plan on making your own Hank Drum, give it the extra time necessary to tune it properly. Dennis thanks you :)

Dennis has been making and inventing instruments for over 40 years, and his focus has always been on Simplicity, Durability, Sound, and Playability. 

Leaving the fine craftsmanship to others, he'd rather concentrate on designing fun and easy-to-make instruments. He has free plans on making over 100 varieties of musical instruments on his website, and offers a CD available from his site, complete with plans that contains over 650 photos and many sound samples, as well as several short videos, all for just $10 dollars! Explore his website, grab a CD, and tell him Oddmusic sent you! :-)

The "Bungee Cord Dampening Bands" around the Hank Drum play an essential part in helping control excessive "tank ring" as well as helping control its undesirable overtones. The black rubber bungees work FAR better than the round, multi-colored, cloth-covered ones.
Dennis has instructions on how to build a Hank Drum on his website. We have a copy here of his Hank Drum Template to give you an idea on how to make one. His website plans go into much more detail about making it as well as important safety precautions. Please remember, NEVER use a tank that has EVER had propane in it, use only a NEW -- NEVER-BEEN-FILLED -- 20 pound propane tank!

As Dennis says: If you can use an electric drill, a pipe wrench, a saber-saw, a pair of Vise-Grips, and a file, have the ability to tune a guitar, and can get a friend to help you with all of that, then you too can build a Hank Drum.

A first of its kind production version Steel Tongue Drum, called the
HAPI Drum is available from our sister site HapiTones.com offering various models, tuned in different scales. It was researched and designed for musicians and non-musicians of all ages who are looking to purchase a stable, perfectly tuned instrument to create instant music have fun with.
The HAPI Drum, steel tongue drum
The HAPI Drum is at home in the park, around the campfire, or in the music studio.
ABOUT THE CHEAPER COMMERSIAL COPY: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_drum


10 288.4796 SEK for The High Quality Ensamble Hang Drums from Rockcreek (http://www.rockcreeksteeldrums.com/ensembletongue.html) [FREE SHIPPING!!] + A "Dome 

Control Bundle"; "A Electric PANArt Hang Drum for 5 506.61439 SEK (http://shop.sonicfingers.com/product/dome-control-bundle) = About 15 295 SEK!!!

The Garrahand costs about 4 071 SEK, while the TerraTone costs 3 974 SEK
You can compare The GarraHand to the Dome Control Bundle, if you like. The difference between The GarraHand and The Dome is that The GarraHand is more close to the hang/tank drum; while The Dome is more close to the original PANArt Hanag. That explains the differences in price^^

Another Alternative with built-in speakers (it even loks like speaker, but I don't really know; since the company does'nt explain it very well... BUT, its very close to the original); The 1TONE Eclipse for about 4 278 SEK:http://www.1tonedrums.com/shop.php

Another Great Alternative is the very cheap MILLTONE:http://milltonedrums.wordpress.com/tag/metatron/ BUT, you can only buy it on Ebay, if you not contact the designer personaly, sort to say. Ayway; here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MILLTONE-Tunable-Steel-Tongue-Metal-Slit-Hank-Tank-Hand-Drum-Head-Gong-Bowl-OM-/320893486026?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab6be03ca#ht_8348wt_698 Can you imagine that you can get this; shipping-free, for about 1 685 SEK?!

Are you stunned about that; wait for this! The 1 333 SEK AM Drum:http://www.hangdrumsandhandpans.com/2010/10/produced-by-am-rustic-small-workshop.html

 What about the electric DreamBall for about 4000 SEK:http://www.deftaudio.ru/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=1Please don't freak-out when you see the prize; since it's standing in rubles, not dollars (1 Russian ruble = 0.034024 U.S. dollars)

The  Jicuri Drum  drum 809 - 2 595 SEK (depending on size):http://www.jicuridrum.com/eng/8.htm

The 3 375 SEK Klangauge:http://www.hangdrumsandhandpans.com/2011/02/klangauge-steel-tongue-drum-german-made.html NOT: Membership for purchaseing is required.

The 2 687 - 8000 SEK Whale Drum:http://www.tidewater.net/~xylojim/whales.html

The 1 511 - 2 250 SEK Moyo Drum:http://www.moyodrum.com/index.html

The 2 172 SEK Mood Drum:http://www.hangdrumsandhandpans.com/2011/05/mood-drum-by-rovi-organically-tuned.html The link on the buttum doesn't work, though; the article is deleted from Ebay, so, if someone knows anything about this, please let me know!

The 3 508 + 248 SEK for the shipping: The Gombadrum!http://gombadrums.de/wordpress/?page_id=256&lang=en

At least the very cheap 907 SEK Harvest Harmonics Hank:http://www.hangdrumsandhandpans.com/2011/12/harvest-harmonics-hank-drums.html

The BIG question is: Wich one is the best choice; for the best value of money; due to both quality sound and design?

But the simply best Alternative is to study all these differences, pic out the best quality-factors of both sound and design and ask a lokal maker. Here's the worldwide list: http://hotpans.se/pan/tuners/

For more information about thing worth to notice about these instruments; what to think about before purchase, etc:http://www.buyhangdrum.info/

måndag 16 april 2012

Astral Amnesia Logotype

This is the logotypes of My Future Metal Band, as you can see, if you compare this to my earlier post

Ring Of Amnesia - A Band Gimic

This is My first design I'm uploading on this blog. I'ts a ring (the symbol, to be more specific) is made in a material called "bullseye jewellry glass" and quite hard to create, since you're working in a several layers, whereupon you montage it on a silver plate (the sun-like waves around the sympol). I'm not doing this by myself, though, but I'm going to send it to someone who make it for me; wich will cost about 500 SEK. The ring is doubble-linked, due to the size of it.
Anyhow, as you see, my inspiration comes from an acient egypt symbol, called "Eye Of Horus".
 I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.^^

Astral Amnesia Poster

Progressive Rock/Metal with World Music influence

onsdag 14 mars 2012

DragonForce Master Collection backside t-shirt label

This is the proposal for an alternative future backside t-shirt label. I made it for a self-designed t-shirt; where the "DragonForce Master Collection" is printed on the front. Since this isn't really a proffesional photo-manipullation, there's no chance to purchase this. It's only able for viewing.  

Fashion Dreams

This photography is a set-up, describeing my dreams of the future. It was a school-poject at the beginning, but I was so fund of this work, that I descided to upload it here on Deviant Art. I hope you like it^^ As always, you can purchase the artwork in a genuine quality canvas-print on the following adress:  http://www.deviantart.com/print/25844748/?   

tisdag 13 mars 2012

Burning Anger

Quite pretty Paint-work, isn't it? :-P

This is just a funny painting i made in the simple program MS Paint. I made it when I was as angriest on my parents. Still, I can have these feelings, even if I'm 20 years old; since I still live at home. I'm sure that I'm not alone on this point, so I believe that this work will rapidly gain popularity; how simple it even might be. I'm just saying. If I have right, you will visit this site at once, to buy it in a genuine quality canvas-print:
http://www.deviantart.com/print/20336222/  Or it will just end up in a nice discussion. Perhaps the both? I'll be happy to know!^^